The question sounds rather condescending and dismissive, but that's not my intention. (Or maybe it is!) The immediate trigger for this question is this comment from someone interested in our distance-mode MA (English) programme. The person wants to know how existing M.A. (English) programmes in the country are of any use in professions such as teaching (of English). To which my immediate response is: should that be the only purpose of an M.A. in English?
Why does anyone do an M.A. in English in this country? In most universities the M.A. (English) programme is basically a study of British literature in English down the ages, unabashedly colonial and Macaulay-ian in character and purpose. Little has changed over the years, although courses in postcolonial, Indian, 'commonwealth' and American literatures have found their way into these programmes. Some of the 'Ivy League' universities do offer alternative M.A.'s but there's no denying the stranglehold that canonized British literature has on M.A. English programmes in this country. (The nature/requirements of the UGC NET/JRF exam is probably the major reason for this?)
But the question is: why would you do an M.A. in English?
To learn English (the language)?
To become a writer/poet/critic?
To become a teacher of English?
Or merely because you love literature?
This question is all the more pertinent and complicated in distance-mode courses, where there is no qualifying exam (unlike in face-to-face programmes where you have to pass an entrance exam to qualify for the course) and huge numbers of people from different disciplines and backgrounds enroll for an M.A. (English). What is their purpose? What do they hope to get from the course?
Any answers anyone?
Why does anyone do an M.A. in English in this country? In most universities the M.A. (English) programme is basically a study of British literature in English down the ages, unabashedly colonial and Macaulay-ian in character and purpose. Little has changed over the years, although courses in postcolonial, Indian, 'commonwealth' and American literatures have found their way into these programmes. Some of the 'Ivy League' universities do offer alternative M.A.'s but there's no denying the stranglehold that canonized British literature has on M.A. English programmes in this country. (The nature/requirements of the UGC NET/JRF exam is probably the major reason for this?)
But the question is: why would you do an M.A. in English?
To learn English (the language)?
To become a writer/poet/critic?
To become a teacher of English?
Or merely because you love literature?
This question is all the more pertinent and complicated in distance-mode courses, where there is no qualifying exam (unlike in face-to-face programmes where you have to pass an entrance exam to qualify for the course) and huge numbers of people from different disciplines and backgrounds enroll for an M.A. (English). What is their purpose? What do they hope to get from the course?
Any answers anyone?
Hi, Dear Lavanya!
ReplyDeletewell, this is a great question you posed. why I joined this course, the question first time, is coming to me too. The first two reasons are not my justifications to join this elite club, but ya, third is a bit ok, to be a teacher of english öiterature. But I think my real intention is to love the english literature. My backbround is different. I have completed my Commerce Graduation, and look, I am for English literature! If its not because of the affection to the literary figures, then whatelse it is!
I am very happy to be a student of you and I will be enjoing to participate in the discussion through your blog.
all the wishes...
Sameema S
Palakkad, Kerala
An amazing platform, this to share ideas!!! Technology and English Literature, who might have ever imagined such an union a few years ago? None the less, thanks for this initiative.
ReplyDeleteWell, it is the love of literature for sure that made me go for this course. Yes! love for literature...But than that love can only be sustained by a disciplined approach !!!!
Thanks again and hope to stay connected through the course.
Pavan Iyengar
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDear Lavanya,
ReplyDeleteTill now I have received one prospectus, five books and one very short letter from EFLU! Frankly speaking, this thriftiness of communication has made me really upset until now. Thank you very much for introducing a nice interactive platform such as this. I hope to clear all my doubts and questions (which I have many!) here .
With regard to your question, I'd say any of the four reasons doesn't inspire me directly to pursue MA in English, rather it's fifth one - need for in-depth studying of English literature. (Love for literature, I think, is different).
Lastly, thanks again for this interactive platform.
Thanks and regards,
Maidul Islam
Thank you, Lavanya. This is a really useful platform for distance learning programmes. I'd like to make a suggestion: How about a closed Facebook group for all members of the 2012-14 MA (Eng. Lit.) batch? We're a widely-dispersed bunch of people and Facebook will help foster a greater sense of community; we'll, also, be able to put faces to names and e-mail IDs :) I have set up Facebook pages for many friends' enterprises and I can help out in any way you see fit.
ReplyDeleteAs to your specific question about why I joined this program, I joined for two specific reasons (from the four you offered):
1. To hone my writing skills.
2. To embrace my love of literature.
I was hoping this programme would also cover the technical aspects of the language (grammar, phonetics, etc.), a la the full-time MA. I didn't see that in the programme description for the MA in distance learning mode.
Finally, like Maidul, I too have received five books and one letter informing me of the dispatch. I'd would be grateful if could let us know what the prescribed reading order is, what the expected schedule of assignments and tests are, etc. This will help us prepare a study schedule.
Once again, thank you so much for creating this interactive course forum.
Francis Anthony
If you are in B'lore, we could connect.
DeletePlease ping me on
Hi Pavan, did you mean :) Let me know and I'll ping you.
DeleteYes, I am in Bangalore. We should connect :)
thanks lavanya for giving us this platform,as everyone i also got got same 5 books one letter n when we are going to receive the other books?i dont know any thing how to study?what would be the patter of exams?what is going to be asked in assignments how to prepare it?expected schedule of exams?
ReplyDeleteas asked the question why i have joined M.A is .....
i am a principal of a preschool and i am having long term to go ahead in the same stream n what to have a good command over English and i m very much poor in spellings.
Thanks and Regards
Nand Kishore Ahir.
Hi Lavanya,
ReplyDeleteIt feels really great to have received your mail nonetheless made me realize, i haven't really worked after i received the prescribed books,his initiative of yours will truly be of great help,for not only me but to everyone who has taken up the course... On a lighter note i can say one thing, this give me a feeling of being a STUDENT back again .. hahaha
If i ask myself the same question on why did i take up MA(english)...i doubt if i can narrow down to one answer .. i dont know if i could be a teacher or critique on something at the end of the course or just learn the language just for the sake of it being one .. Many people who speak in a particular language might have the flare to speak in it but fail when it comes to writing,grammer,speelings which become an integral part of a language and English not being our local tongue,makes it even more difficult.So I am here for all the possible reason that i can think of ... and to improve on my Language.Wishing all my fellow batch mates a great course time :D ...and thanks once again :D
Thanks & Regards,
Dear Lavanya,
ReplyDeleteI was out of town all these days so I missed quite a lot of the interactions. Yes I have received the first lot of books and a welcome letter and am patiently awaiting for the others to make their appearance.As for why I chose to pursue literature, well, I have always enjoyed a piece of work.I have enjoyed play with words,the finer nuances of writing,the imagery and most importantly the impact it has on the reader. I had stumbled upon literature by fluke. It had never been my choice of study.But as I went deeper and deeper in its study I started appreciating it and went on to do my honours in literature. Somewhere along the way I had lost track of what I really enjoyed and went about chasing other dreams.But now getting back to my original passion is what is making me really excited.Literature is just not about grammar or phonetics or other technical processes. It is about understanding and appreciating the background of a literary piece as in its history, state of mind of the writer, the subtle messages, appreciating it as a work of art.
Dear Lavanya,
ReplyDeleteThankyou for being our instructor and for creating such a platform for all of us. coming to your question, at first i just wanted to do M.A English to become a teacher, but as and when i was going through the books, it made me actually like literature, understand and see it in a different way. i hope it takes an interesting turn.
Once again thankyou very much for this platform.
Mitchelle N, Hyderabad
Thank you, I received the materials today. The handbook mentioned deadlines, but I didn't find any specific dates there. Could you please let us know what the various deadline dates are and what we are expected to turn in for each deadline. Apologies if I missed out on something.
Francis Anthony:
DeleteAlong with the course materials and the handbook you have also received a letter from the Dean of the School of Distance Education. Please turn to page 2 of that letter. Under the heading Important information and instructions please see point no. 2:
"The deadline for submission of the first two assignments in each course is 15 September 2012. The deadline for submission of the remaining assignments in each course is 15 November 2012. ......"
No, this information is not in the handbook because the handbook will not be rewritten every year for every batch (unless there are some major changes in the programme structure) whereas the deadlines will vary for each batch. So they are mentioned in the letter accompanying the course materials. Please read this letter as well carefully before you begin.
Hello Dr,Lavanya,
ReplyDeleteMuch of my anxieties/curiousities expressed in my recent mail to you are mostly laid to rest after I read thru the hand book.It does give glimpses of what lies ahead for us the students with traces of admonitions too; it is time at least for me to make up my mind which way to go at the cross roads.
I was a bit disappointed when I received the five books followed by long silence; it was like the cart before the horse when we received the hand book a couple of days ago.
Why have I registered for this programme? The taste of the pudding lies in eating it; My english is limited to general reading and technical report writing; have no exposure to formal study of english language,much less the literary works; all said and done I have immense liking for english spoken and written well; I dont know how far I would go; wish me well
NVP Sharma
Hi! Madam and everybody
ReplyDeleteI am a student of MA English at 50+. I wanted to have Post graduation degree to my Name tag with the BABL at present. I have chosen English Literature because I had my BA Degree in English, Economics and Political Science. More so because I would like to go for English Teaching after my retirement in the present career. And all the more I Love English Reading.
I hope this platform will be lively and interesting with everyone interacting with everyone. Sharing our views and commenting on others views keeps the stream of communication flowing like a BROOKE.
Queries answered should give rise to Queries.
All the Best to Everyone and a BIG thanks to Dr.Lavanya.