Friday, June 1, 2012

Online Resources for Literary Texts

Hello everyone!
Most of you would've received the course materials by now. So I hope you've started reading. But first, read the letter and the Handbook sent to you along with the course materials.
For the two literature courses in Part I of the programme, you must try to get hold of the prescribed texts and read them before you start reading the material. That is, before you start reading a Unit, see what texts the Unit discusses, get hold of them, read them, and keep them alongside while reading the course materials. You fill find that the study material will make a lot of sense this way!
Most of these texts are readily and freely available online, and anyone who can do a google search should be able to find reliable versions. In any case, here are some good web sites where you can can search for and download these texts, whether poems, plays, or novels:

Even otherwise, these prescribed texts are well-known canonical texts and should be available in any good library. So do visit a library in a university or college in your town/city. You should certainly be able to photocopy individual poems and plays.
So get cracking!